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Tag: world

Articles tagged as World

Buying a Franchise

Posted on April 9, 2022 by Thomas Lester
The idea of franchising is a couple of centuries old.The franchising business and world economies have developed simultaneously.The term 'franchise' comes from old French where it meant freedom, or privilege.Franchising goes back to the olden days when the feudal lords granted consent to their slaves and common men to hold fairs, markets, ferries, as well as permitted hunting on their lands.From the middle ages, kings used the idea of franchising when they gave contracts, or businesses for the majority of the business activities like developing roads, wells, and brewing ale...

Making Cultural Differences Work In Your Business

Posted on September 18, 2021 by Thomas Lester
Advancements in technology have made the world so much smaller, do not you think? We was separated by mountains and seas, culture and color.But today on the highways and byways of the world wide web, we are but a single mouse click away.Consider this for a minute.You and I may be thousands of miles away at opposite ends of the planet, but on the internet, we might as well be sitting across a coffee table...